Sunday, September 8, 2024
HomeContractorsSC Alliance to Fix Our Roads Meets

SC Alliance to Fix Our Roads Meets

Last week the South Carolina Alliance to Fix our Roads (SCFOR), held its annual meeting in Columbia. There were over 140 attendees at the event, which received statewide media coverage. In addition to keynote speaker, Ron Brinson, who is a media and infrastructure expert, there were five SCDOT Commissioners in attendance, the S. C. Transportation Infrastructure Bank officials, three Senators (Sens. Alexander, Lourie and Campbell) and four member of the SC House (Reps. Banister, Stringer, Bingham, and Anthony).

The legislators encouraged the members to continue to stay united on the issue and to keep the pressure on the legislators so that the good work that took place this past session would continue and the momentum would not die. An industry panel made up of representatives from Carolinas AGC, the State Chamber, the Manufacturer’s Alliance, and the Trucking, Forestry, SCFOR, and Palmetto Agribusiness Associations discussed the issues that played out during this past session with the passage of the funding bill and the ways to keep pushing the legislature to move forward in the coming years.

One way to continue to keep this issue on the forefront of legislator’s minds is to share the following YouTube video, which explains, in simple language, the cost of driving on bad roads Read More.




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