Members of the business community in South Carolina released a “Road Map to the Future,” a detailed plan for the General Assembly to begin addressing funding needs for the state’s infrastructure.This plan was hand delivered to the desk of all 170 members of the General Assembly. Carolinas AGC is one of fourteen associations that have come together to support the plan, which addresses: Interstate Expansion ($2.8 billion), Bridges ($2 billion) and Resurfacing ($1.2 billion).
The comprehensive plan, which costs $6 billion, takes a statewide approach and provides the legislature a detailed list of projects with specific price tags for each. It also spells out viable funding options that do not increase taxes or fees, such as redirecting existing vehicle related revenues, and dedicating new General Fund revenues, as well as, redirecting dollars from the Capital Reserve Fund. The legislature has not seen a dedicated funding increase for the state’s roads and bridges since 1987. If the legislature will follow the funding paths outlined in the Road Map, they could actually invest more than $250 million in roads this year.
The $6 billion plan begins to address critical avenues for economic development and takes a statewide approach to statewide responsibilities. It is a specific list with specific price tags and the business community has also included several viable funding options. If the General Assembly follows this reasonable and common sense plan, more than $250 million could be invested in roads this year alone. Read copy of the Road Map Here.